Thursday, June 28, 2012

Adventures of Kit and Ruthie

Haley and Morgan love, love, love American Girl dolls.  They are aching to have Kit and Ruthie, but I'm not buying them each a $100 doll (yes, that's how much they are) until I know for sure they can take good care of them!  So, to help pass the time until they get the real deal, they have the mini versions of Kit and Ruthie and oh my they love those dolls!

Every night after we put the girls to bed, Haley and Morgan stay up (too late most nights) and play Kit and Ruthie in their room.  It's become their night time ritual.  Sometimes it goes well, and they play quietly for a while and then go to sleep on their own.  But then, sometimes it goes bad, and they play way too loud, or they start to bicker which leads to full on arguments.  This results in Ryan or me shutting it down and forcing them to bed, which leads to more arguing, which leads to us taking the dolls away, which leads to massive amounts of tears from the girls.  Seriously, you take one of those dolls away from them and their whole world falls apart!

So every night we just hope they play's just so much easier that way.

In other news, I came down with the fever Tuesday night.  I had a miserable, no good nights sleep.  And Wednesday I relied on Ibuprofen to get me through the day.  This morning I feel much better, thank goodness!

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