Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Review

Okay, I know a lot of people have already seen these "Baby sleep positions".  But I can't help but laugh every time because it's just so dang true!  After dealing with a few sick kids we have experienced quite a few of these in just the last couple of nights.

"Booby Trap" and "H is for Hell" have been our most recent...ahh, good times.  Kids are so fun.

So yeah, the weekend...Saturday Ryan raced in Salt Lake and I stayed home with the sickies.  It made for a very exhausting and slow day.  I don't think Morgan left the couch ALL day...she was absolutely miserable.  Haley was a trooper and didn't complain once about staying home, and with Morg and Pipes under the weather she didn't have any playmates.  But she entertained herself which was a big help to me!  And sadly, by that night Rory also came down with a fever as well.

Sunday morning I went on a ride up the was beautiful and refreshing to get out on my own!  Later Haley and I hit up church.  It was actually quite nice to walk with her over there...just her and me, hand in hand.  I need to try to have one on one time with each of my kids every so often!  It makes them feel uber special because they get all of my attention...and unfortunately that just rarely happens with three other kids hanging off me.  

That night Rory was the only one left with a fever and we were all in need to get out of the house!  So, since she was doing pretty good and the fever was pretty low grade, we hit up Sundance after dinner.  

She doesn't look too sick to me!

Of course the kids got their traditional Sundance suckers and then ran amuck.
It was beautiful!

Those are three of my kids waaaaay out there.

The girls were heaven chasing the marmots all over the place.

Me with my Pipes.

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