Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Woes Part II

To add to my summer woes, Piper came down with a fever and yucky cold symptoms yesterday afternoon (and a bit of diarrhea, which wasn't too fun with the whole potty training thing).  Sorry to bring up gross stuff, but it's the facts of life.  Anyway, this led to a very unpleasant night of sleep.

Haley and Morgan didn't fall asleep until around 10 last night...they were actually in "bed" by 8:15, but they play the night away and then crash together in one or the other's bed.  It's kinda cute really.

Piper kept waking up throughout the night, which woke up Rory.  And this went back and forth for some time.  At one point during the night I was sitting on the rocker in their room, each one crying in their beds on either side of me...I felt like crying myself...I was so tired.

And then Morgan started up...crying too.  Sure enough, she was getting a fever as well.  Luckily, Ryan and I make a good pair and tag teamed the whole night.  By morning we were all sprawled out everywhere.  Ryan and Morgan in the spare room...Piper and I were in our bed.  Haley was the only one who woke up refreshed with a good nights sleep.

So today it looks like I'll be chilling here with my sickies.  Woe is me.

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