Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer woes.

This week has not been the best for me.  I feel behind on everything...a bit scattered...and really discouraged with potty training.

Piper has had a lot of accidents this week.  All of them were at home (thank goodness), mostly outside (double thank goodness!).  I keep telling myself that this is very normal!  I've seen it before where kids will revert back to their old ways.  Sometimes I think it's because the novelty of the potty has worn off...or maybe they're just trying to test their limits.  "How long can I play before I have an accident?" type of attitude.  But whatever it is, I sure hope it doesn't last too long!

Also, summer (that is really hard for me to leave that lower case by the way)...summer is just plain hard to keep the house clean.  I feel like my days are just filled with picking up, cleaning, and laundry.  I'm tired of it.  The girls help with their summer chores.  And Haley is really good at taking care of the dogs everyday, which is very helpful!  But bottom line, there is just a ton to do around here...and I haven't been motivated to do it.  I think I'm going through a sort of slump right now.  I think I need some outings to look forward to...but even that sounds exhausting right now.  Not sure what I need.

Hopefully things will perk up for me soon.

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