Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Potty Training

I've been asked how I potty train my kids.  I am by NO means an expert on this...but I can share what works for me.  However, let me just add that some kids are just plain ol' better at it!  Every kid comes with a different personality...some are stubborn, like Haley, and fight the whole way making the process seem like it will never end.  Some are easy going, like Piper, and take to it very well.  

My system is very simple.  I plan ahead buying cutesy panties and an incentive (I used M&M's for Piper).  I have the little potty sitting around the house so they're used to seeing it by the time we start.  First thing in the morning I start the process by reading them a few potty books we have laying around and then show them their new panties.  I try to get them as psyched as I possibly know, using that super high pitch voice, "Aren't these panties CUTE!!  Let's try to keep them clean!!!"  Although, a lot of the time they are just running around bare bottom. 

Now here's where your life ends as you know it.  My philosophy is "All or Nothing!".  Once the diaper comes off there is NO turning back for me.  I seriously do not leave the's all about the potty people!  It's so easy to say, "Well, I'll work on potty training in the morning and then just put a diaper on them in the afternoon while I get some errands done."  But, I have to hold my ground or the process will take FOREVER.  I find that it gets really ugly before it gets better...but it does get better...eventually.

So yeah, I basically watch them like a hawk ALL day for several days.  We read on the potty, watch TV on the potty, the potty is always right there in their face.  I don't like to use Pull-Ups because I think it's important for kids to know what it feels like to be wet and yucky.  To me Pull-Ups prolong the process.  I do use Pull-Ups for naps, night time and when we're at someones' house and I don't want an icky accident on their beautiful white sofa.  But remember, I don't have them leave the house for at least a week first!

I gave Piper 4 M&M's after each time she went on the potty (8 for a poop)!  Oh, and I have a very special potty dance that I do after they go!  They think it's great...who wouldn't love to see their mom jumping all over dancing and being silly?  The sillier the dance, the better!

And that's it.  I think the main thing is consistency.  You can't potty train one day and not the next...I think that just confuses them.  But, that's just my opinion.

And just remember, we all hate this process!  I have not met one mother that enjoys this part of parenthood! It's really really really hard!  With Haley, I thought if I saw one more pair of poopy panties I might just go insane...really.  She nearly broke me...nearly, but not quite.  I survived...and more importantly, so did she.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. Had some progress...I think I was being too inconsistent!
