Tuesday, June 12, 2012


For people out of the know...FHE stands for Family Home Evening and Ryan and I have been trying really hard to stay consistent and do it every week.  This can prove to be a very difficult task with four small children.  Often times I prepare what I think will be a great lesson and unfortunately it goes badly almost immediately.  "Morgan STOP irritating Haley!!"  "PIPER GET OUT OF THE PANTRY!!"  "Haley, would you put that down!!"  "STOP touching each other!!!"  "Girls, sit still and listen please!!"  By the end I'm just so flustered and frustrated I just want to throw my scriptures across the room and be done with it!  

But, the truth is, the girls are listening...even when I think they aren't.  And they love doing it...even when I'm at my wits end...they still love it. 

But we do have those nights when everything falls perfectly into place...I love those nights.  They're the nights that keep us going.  And last night was one of those times.  Haley was in charge of the lesson and she chose to teach us about Nephi.  She even sang the song for us...it was beautiful!  

Here is the picture she used for her scripture story.
 Haley decided that we should all draw our own version of the picture.


Morgan's...I like the added unicorn at the bottom.  Nice touch.

Now let me add here that all of us were in complete hysterics while we drew...mostly laughing at Ryan and I in our complete agony trying to create something that resembled the painting.  I also want to add that I was trying really hard...honest, I was.  I dedicate this drawing to my brother, Andrew...the artist.  Remember Andrew, you are truly gifted!

And Ryan's...not sure why the guy on the bottom is wearing flippers on his feet though.

And last but not least, Piper's.
We ended the evening it with ice cream sundae's.  Perfect.  It was a good night...why can't they all be like?!

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