Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend Review

Sheesh...I can't even remember what I did on Saturday!  Most likely it was centered around Piper and the whole potty training thing.  Which I might add that she is doing super!  I may even go as far as saying that she is fully trained!  We still may have an accident here and there...but when kid comes back into the house to pee in the potty when she's been outside playing in the pool...well, that's a good sign!  Or when she asks to go potty when she's in the bath!  Yeah, that's pretty good!  So I'm pretty proud of her...and me (can't I have some of the credit too?!)

Sunday, Haley was a busy one.  Out of the blue, she wanted to set the table for Sunday dinner.  So, for about an hour Sunday morning she wouldn't allow anyone into the dining room while she set it all up.  I was so impressed with what she did...all on her own!

 Inside everyones' glass was a little note to that person...mine said, "I love you."  She also put everyones' initials attached to a pencil, so we would know where to sit.  How creative...I loved it!

After our very special dinner we headed over to our good friends, Jen and Steve's for some dessert.

Piper scootering over there.  She has become quite good at it!

Not much else to report.  This week Ryan will be LA for a couple of days...we will continue swim lessons...maybe a trip to library...and who knows what else.  

1 comment:

  1. Would love more information on how you potty train! I have reached such a brick wall with my 3 year old son.
