Thursday, July 12, 2012

Another project?

I've been slowly, but surely making my way through the house slapping up new fresh paint on our walls.  So far I've painted the family room and foyer/hall...both are a slightly different shade of yellow.  I love it!  I've also done quite a bit of trim a bright, crisp white.  I've also finished painting the inside of the front door the same bright white and you would not believe how cheery my foyer looks now!  I don't want to share any pictures until I get a decent camera (which hopefully will be soon!).  

But now that I've painted one side of my front door, the other side looks AWFUL!  It's all chipped and beat up...and it's sad to think that it's the first thing someone sees when they come to my house.  

Sooooo, I'm debating painting my front door (which is currently white) a fun color!  Something other than the regular red.  My instincts naturally want to just paint it white, or black because the shutters are black.  But I want to get out of my comfort zone and go bold!  

Here's a few that I found on Pinterest that I love!

So, what do you think?  
Here's the front of my house (it's the only picture I could find of my door).  
Color?  Or no color?


  1. Paint it the bright blue teal color, that one is the best

  2. Think about how the colors are going to look against your red brick! I actually think a black door with black shutters would look quite elegant! You can always get a couple samples and paint a small portion of the door before deciding! Painting doors really stinks, so pick a color you think you can live with for awhile!

  3. Definitely the bright teal blue. It's fun, modern and will make your house stand out. Go for it! : )

  4. Wow, the comments come out when it comes to paint. I heard the song "Paint it Black" today and it rocked, so I'm going with that.

  5. Oooh, I'm feeling inspired now!
