Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend Review

My parents are here!!  
They arrived Friday evening and surprised us all!  
So we are all very excited to have them right down the street again!

Saturday I painted up a storm...I finished up the foyer closet doors and another wall in the kitchen.  My goal is to try to paint something every day.  Which is easier said then done!  I haven't decided on a front door color yet...but I appreciate the feedback!  I'll put the front door on the back burner for a while and try to concentrate on the main floor walls for now.  I still have the rest of the kitchen, dining room and living room to do.  Plus, all the trim and doors in those rooms.  I've got my work cut out for me!

Sunday morning my dad and I got out for a little ride up the canyon.  It was a on the cool side with all the rain we've been getting...but still beautiful!  And it's so nice to have my dad to ride with again!

We churched it up in the afternoon and then walked to my parents' house for a BBQ.  

Now we only have two days and then we're off to Sedona to visit with the girls' other grandparents!  Lots to do before then...better get busy!

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