Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Free Spirits and Mommy Rage

Yesterday it rained...HARD.
It didn't last too long, but believe me, Haley and Morgan enjoyed every minute of it!

 My little free spirits.

Also yesterday I did about 76 loads of laundry (okay maybe not that much, but that's what it felt like) and I got to sneak out before the rain hit to get a pedicure with my mom and good friend, Jen.  That felt good!

Now...my wrath.

All was well until about 7:30 in the evening.  The girls were watching a movie, and while laying on her back, Piper started choking on something that she had in her mouth.  Ryan and I raced to her...I started pounding on her back, but it would not come out!  I cannot even tell you how scared I was...she was making the most horrid sounds, but luckily she WAS starting to breath.  Crying in fact.  So what ever it was she got it down...but she was in pain.  Ryan whisked her to ER because we thought it may be a AAA battery.  But after X-Rays we found out that she swallowed a coin, but it was stuck in her throat.  They decided not to treat her there and sent her to Primary Children's in Salt Lake!  One thing led to another, and they decided to not treat her until the morning!!!  Ryan has been with her which is good, but I'm absolutely livid!!!  How can they make a little two year old wait that long to get a coin out!!!

And now this morning they say they may get to it by 8:30, but it most likely they'll do this afternoon around 4:30 or 5:00!!!!  Are you kidding me?!!  They say the doctor may get to before his clinics or he'll have to do it after.  What?!!  Primary's is a Level 1 trauma center specializing in children!!!  Are you telling me there is only one doctor in that place that can do it?!  AND, that doctor knew she was there...she had been there since 11:30 the night before!  So that doctor should have been there first thing in the morning to get it done!!!  Hell, get the ER doctor to do it...or even resident!  What happened to caring for patients...treating them like a person and not a freaking number?!  They've just pumped her full of morphine and hooked her up to an IV and basically forgot about her!  I'm about ready to drive up there and raise some hell in that hospital!  The thought of my little baby laying there with a coin in her throat for that long is sending me into such rage!

So now I wait....not at all patiently either.  It's already after 8:30 and I haven't heard a thing from Ryan yet.  This mama bear is losing it...they better take care of my baby girl!

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