Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Piper Update

Well, in case you are wondering...it was a nickel.
And there it is...Piper is showing it off.
Yep, that's the nickel that was in her throat...and believe me, I'm keeping that puppy too!
 It was an absolutely awful morning while I waited to hear when she was going to be able to get that thing out of her.  Apparently, after getting the run around, Ryan decided that enough was enough and pulled out his inner crazy in front of the nurses and doctor...Piper was in the OR within the hour (15 hours after it got stuck).  Hallelujah!  My sweet little girl took it like a champ, even with all the pricks they had to give her!  I think everyone fell in love with her...even if she has a dad that went a little nuts.

Now, we're off to Sedona in the morning!

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