Monday, July 23, 2012

Sedona Part I

So, road trippin' with kids.  Never a dull moment.  We left Wednesday morning by 9:00...not too bad with four little kids, but it definitely made for a very long day in the car!  What should have been about 7 or 8 hours turned into more like 10 hours with all of Piper's pee stops in the middle of no where!  And my nursing Rory every few hours did help either.

But in cars...never a dull moment.  

Remember this commercial?
The Allstate Mayhem guy showing what it's like to drive with a toddler in the car.
That is EXACTLY what it's like to drive with Piper when she's hit her limit.  Enough said.

Pee stop #1 out of like 25.
Ah, the joys of road trips with a newly potty trained kid.
I'm sure Ryan will be glad I posted this picture.

But we did make it to Sedona and we had a grand time!

First stop: Slide Rock.

 The girls had a ball!
Ryan took Haley and Morgan down some of the rock slides and Piper stuck to the shallow areas.
And as for Rory, we made a little canopy for her to nap in the shade.

Stay tuned...Sedona Part II tomorrow.  Oh, and how do you like the pictures?  I'm a proud owner of a new fancy shmancy camera!  Now, I just have to learn how to use it!

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