Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of School 2012

My third and first graders.
I cannot even tell you how excited these two were for the first day of school!
They were up at 6:30 and pretty much ready to go by 7:00!  Only an hour and twenty minutes before we had to leave...sheesh!  They kept asking, "Is it time go yet?!!"
Do you think that will last?

After Haley had her hair cut, it seemed as though she grew 5 inches...she seems so much taller and older!
I absolutely love it!  And more importantly...so does she!

Morgan is so thrilled to have Haley's old teacher for first grade.
But I think she's really most excited to be able to have lunch at school this year!

Piper was feeling very left out...she had to go get a backpack too and have her picture taken as well!

So, it's been just me and the two little ones today.  Now, all I have to do is orchestrate nap times so that both babies are sleeping at the same time!  That would be nice!