Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekend Review

Look who started to sit up this weekend!
She can also scoot and roll everywhere!
It's a whole new world for her now, and she's loving it!

 This is a very typical expression of Rory...she's a nose wrinkler.  She gets that from my side of the dad and I are classic nose wrinklers.  Although we have a lot more wrinkles when we squish our noses than Rory does.
We have been squeezing in the activities these past few days before school starts tomorrow.  The girls hit up the swim park three days in a row!  We also went out for Pizza Pie Saturday night.  Sunday we spent the evening at Sundance while the kids ran one point they had nearly a dozen kids running around with them!

In other news, Haley got a haircut today!  And it was more than a trim...she went short!  If you know Haley then you will know that this is a VERY big deal!  That's my little will have to wait for pictures!

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