Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hello, my name is Kelly...I'm LDS and addicted to coffee.

This is my coffee pot in all it's glory...isn't it beautiful?  I love coffee.  I love everything about it...coming down the stairs in the morning and smelling it brew, pouring it, holding my mug (especially on a cold morning) in both hands, sipping it slowly all morning long...I'm not a weirdo, ask any coffee drinker and they will agree with me!  Not only do coffee drinkers love the taste and caffeine fix we LOVE the ritual of our morning coffee.

Now I realize that coffee drinking and being LDS don't mix.  But I figured if Joe Shmoe from the church can drink his Diet Coke or someone else can drink their Red Bull...I can have my morning coffee!  But comparing myself to others is never a good thing.  It's not about them...this is about me!  The church disapproves any matter what it is.  But I'm not here to do any preaching!  After some reading and soul searching I decided to kick the habit...because in all honesty (as much as I hate to say it) my body was relying on that cup of coffee to get through the day.  I know this because I nearly died on the first day without it!  Seriously...I had a splitting headache all day, and I felt as though I would collapse at any moment from the sleepies!  It was awful!

It's been over a week and I do feel better, but I miss it.  I'm in mourning for it.  I've started drinking milk, juice or even water in my beloved mug just to try to mimic that same sensation of sipping coffee.

I can't say that I'll NEVER drink it again.  I may one day enjoy a cup in a social gathering...or Christmas morning??  But, I know that I don't want to rely on coffee every single day to help me function...I want to be free of any addiction.  And I feel good about that!

So...I'll continue to sip my milk, juice or water from my mug and be sure to hold it with two hands...just like the old days.


  1. Not to get into e religious debate, but isn't it well documented that Joseph Smith drank coffee (and a few other LDS outlawed drinks?) It's coffee, not crack cocaine! Maybe just a few days a week? You have four children! You need something!

  2. Yes! That is true. They also smoked pipes and chewed tobacco. It wasn't until the early 1830's?? the Word of Wisdom was recorded. Basically, any habit forming substance should be avoided. That makes sense to me.

  3. Darn it, I was trying to find a loophole for ya! :-)

  4. Impossible...I've already tried.
