Monday, August 13, 2012

Last Week

Woo Wee...what a week!  We had a lot of fun outings!  

My grandparents have their big motor home parked at a really nice campground by the lake, so we wound up over there a few times to swim in the pool and do some grillin'.  

My brother, Andrew and his girlfriend, Nicole.

 Another day we hit up Sundance to let the kids run around and play in the river.

Piper introduced Rory to the joys of a lollipop.

Another day my mom, grandma, my girls and I drove up to This Is The Place in Salt Lake and explored their Pioneer Village.  The girls absolutely LOVED it there.
They made their own rag dolls, rode the train and toured the houses.
They also panned for "gold".

Don't mind me...just breastfeeding over here.

The girls also did the pony rides.
Haley had quite a feisty horse too!  Although, it didn't seem to phase her.

By the time Ryan got back from CO Friday night, I was EXHAUSTED!
Then we had more good fun over the weekend on that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. That pic of Pipes mining for gold looks so much like Ryan when he was little! It's uncanny
