Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Weekend Review

Saturday we got out to Alpine Loop to watch the Tour of Utah come through.  It's always so pretty up there and the weather is a bit cooler than in the valley.  

 Having some fun with chalk while we waited for them.
Oh, and the Rory we wrote is for Sutherland (who was in the race)...not my Rory...because that would be kind of weird to write our own names on the course.

Also over the weekend my Aunt and Uncle from Mesa came to town for Education Week at BYU.  So we were able to have dinner with them on Sunday to catch up...it's been a great long while since we've seen them last.

And when ever a get a spare hour or so I make jam...I am up to my eyeballs in plums!
It seems my kitchen is always sticky!

Oh, and you remember my project of the chalkboard wall?  Well, I'm still working on it!  I ran into a few issues...like it being to porous even after my endless amounts of spackling and sanding.  Actually the project has been finished several times just for me to do it all over again because I'm not happy with it.  So, when I AM happy with it, I'll post some pictures and share what to do and what not to do if you ever plan to do a chalkboard wall.  You can learn from my mistakes!

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