Monday, August 27, 2012

Sundance Sundays

Look who's back in town!
 My little brother, Jeffy, is back for the school year.  He and Jen arrived on Friday so we all got to hang out this weekend.

They joined us at our neighborhood block party Saturday night...oh, what a riot that party was!  There was a climbing wall, bounce house, dunk tank, face painting, and a cotton candy machine for the kids and very little supervision (except for the climbing wall...that was highly supervised...I think anyway.)  So yeah, complete craziness!  And I don't think I saw one kid without a massive amount of cotton candy with them at all kids included!  I don't even want to think about how much cotton candy they probably ate!  We all had a good time and ate tons of food!  Except at one point Haley got very upset that boys were rough housing in the bounce house.  She just kept yelling out, "They're hurting each other in there!!!"  We tried to explain that's just how boys play...weird as it may be.

Sunday I enjoyed my bike ride up the canyon in the morning, church and then our usual Sundance Sunday.  Jeff and Jen joined us again and treated the girls to suckers.  The weather was a bit rainy, but that didn't stop us!

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