Thursday, August 23, 2012

The end of a love affair.

This here is one of my favorite mugs.  You can probably tell since it looks a bit banged up.  Just wanted to share that it's been about 3 1/2 weeks since that whole no coffee thing.  Sometimes when I open my pantry to get something I see my coffee maker sitting in there...looking very alone...I feel a bit sad.  This has been like a end of a relationship...a love affair.  I know, it's silly...but it's true.  You may be thinking, "Why don't you just get rid of the coffee maker?"  I say, "No way!"  First off, I spent a pretty penny for that coffee's a darn good coffee maker!!  Secondly, we have friends and family who drink it and it would be nice to be able to offer it to them when they stay here.

So anyway, after the first week of quitting was over I actually started feeling pretty good.  And now, I really don't miss the caffeine at all...but I STILL miss the ritual.

Confession: Today I opened the the bag of coffee grounds that we still have in the cupboard and inhaled...very deeply in fact.  It smelled so good.

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