Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I'm a little behind on my monthly values...we started out strong and then we just kinda put it off.  But, September's value is Peaceability  (I didn't even know that was a word)  In other words, find your inner peace...oh, we soooo need to teach this one!  For our children, yes, but also for me!

I'm a yeller, through and through.  I try not to, honest I do.  But once I start getting frustrated with things I can hear my volume getting louder and louder...never fails.  "Girls, can you please get your shoes on." "Girls, I said get your shoes on NOW." To finally, "GIRLS, SHOES...NOW!"  Or in the car, when there is fighting between the two older kids in the back back seat, Piper is screaming that she wanted to buckle her seat belt, and the baby is just crying, because that's just what they do...I admit, I have pulled over and slammed on the breaks and screamed quite loudly, "BE QUIET!!!!!"  It's true.  Not one of my proudest moments for sure.  However, it did get their attention!  Boy, did they zip their lips when I did that...I think they thought I was going crazy.  But anyway, that isn't the way it should be done...even if it did feel pretty good to scream at that very moment.

Bottom line, I don't like it when I lose control or lose my temper.  So, yeah...Peaceability.  I'm thinking this will be a good FHE next week.

1 comment:

  1. oh my - my worst yelling happens in the car, that's for sure! Or maybe it's my best...
