Thursday, September 20, 2012

A few things...

Rory at Sundance last week.

* You know that moment when you're standing around a bunch of people and everyone smells dog poop and you realize to your horror that it's coming from you?  Yeah, that was me this morning.  Not only did I step in it, but I managed to get it all over the front wheel of the stroller.  Yeah, good times.  People, if you have a dog...pick up it's poop!!

* Rory can crawl, although she still prefers to drag herself around/soldier crawl everywhere she goes.

* I'm tired.  I miss Ryan.  This week without him has been hard and a bit lonely.  Although I have my folks nearby which is VERY helpful. (We got together for Taco Tuesday this week, which was nice.)  But, in the evenings when the kids are in bed and I'm by myself it gets a little too quiet.  Luckily, he comes home tomorrow!

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