Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Review

First of all...this guy came home to us Friday night!  We were thrilled!
 Saturday we went to Chalk Block at the Riverwoods.  Various local artists strut their talent with chalk drawings...and let me tell ya, there are some talented people out there!  The artwork was amazing!  I'll have to post some pictures of that tomorrow.  That evening everyone came back to our place to grill up some hamburgers, and I made a pretty darn good apple crisp (if I do say so myself).

Sunday Ryan and I took the girls up South Fork for some hiking.  The fall colors were amazing and the weather was perfect!
Funny how my girls insist on taking a stuffed animal with them where ever they go.

That's Haley on the ground.  She apparently collapsed...the beauty from the trees was just too much for her to handle.

But this is the winning shot!
Coming around a bend we found ourselves right in front of a bull moose!  There was female and baby close by too!  A little scary to say the least.  We had to wait them out for a good long while until they moved further away from the trail so we could pass safely.  But that bull moose did not take his eyes off us the entire time!

The girls won't be forgetting that hike, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! The colors are amazing! What a perfect family outting - I love it. And how fun to see some moose too! (or is it meese?)
