Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Review

First off, my little Rory has been sick since Thursday.  She caught the cold that Morgan brought home.  Unfortunately, Rory's cold came with a fever and it hasn't let up yet.  She may need a doctors visit soon.
Look at that face...poor little thing.
Ryan got home from CO Friday afternoon and he was literally home for about an hour just to hop back into the car to take Haley and Morgan camping for the night.  The church was having a father/daughter camp-out and the girls were just DYING to go!  I know Ryan was super tired from being on the road all week, but he didn't think twice about it (well, maybe he did...but I would never know).  What a guy, huh?!  Of course the girls had a blast and they are already begging to go camping again.

This may seem trivial to you, but Piper kept her hair in rubber bands from 1:30 in the afternoon Sunday until she went to bed that night.  This is major stuff people!!  The girl NEVER keeps her hair in anything I do to it, she always rips it out.  So for once she actually looked like a little girl and not an 80's rocker.
And just a side note...the dress she's wearing is her all time favorite!  It has Winnie-the-Pooh on the front and so she calls it her "Poo Poo" dress.  This may scare people, when she refers to it in now you know.

And speaking of hair...I discovered a way to make a cute bun.  Now this may seem easy for some, but I am NOT a very good stylist when it comes to my hair...or anyone's hair for that matter.  But, I stumbled upon this technique on Pinterest.  Out of all the things I've pinned (which really isn't very much...I remember to check out Pinterest maybe once a week...if that) this is the only thing I've ever done from it.  The sock bun.  You take a sock, cut the toe part off, and then use it to roll your hair in creating a cute bun.  Except I don't have the thickest hair right now (I'm still suffering from postpartum hair loss) so I was really paranoid that people could see the sock through my hair.  They'd all be, "That lady has a sock in her hair!" (pointing and laughing)  And of course the only old sock I could find was it's not like it could hide very well under red hair.  But's my sock bun.
Not too shabby, huh?  Especially for someone who can barely do a simple braid.
Sorry if you already know about the sock bun...but I didn't, and I think it's genius! 


  1. Cute Kelly! I've been wanting to try this. I heard it creates amazing waves too if you put the sock in when your hair is wet and sleep in it.

  2. I love the sock bun! It gives you curls too!
