Saturday, September 15, 2012


...this week seemed to fly by!
Ryan and I started hooking up the trailer and skipping out on some rides together while the older girls are in school.  It's quite nice.  Piper loves it!  Rory is still undecided...but she seems to be putting up with it.  

Our water heater went out Wednesday evening.  I went to give Rory a bath...I had her stripped down and sitting in the tub all ready to go.  That's when I hot water!  Why do these things happen at very inconvenient times?  We've since got it replaced so that's good.

And then my Internet and phone lines crapped out yesterday afternoon, and then decided to work again after about 24 hours.  I already have a tech scheduled to come tomorrow morning...should I cancel it? But then, I don't want this to happen again either.  I'm at a loss when I don't have Internet!  Sad, but true.

Ryan left again...Vegas bound this time.  So I'll be holding down the fort for a bit on my own.
We kicked off the week without him by having our own girls movie night last mom joined us too!  Kit Kitteredge was the special feature.  We've read all of the Kit books together so the girls were extra excited and of course they loved it!

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