Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family Cross Night

Haley, Morgan, Ryan and I entered the P-Town Cross Race last night.  My folks came out too!  They were able to keep an eye on my kids since Ryan and I raced at the same time.  

I must say, I was on the fence about racing since my bike isn't in the best of shape...nor am I.  But in the end I'm glad I did it!  I'm really not very good at all, and the other two women that were there lapped me pretty quickly...but, I did have fun.  

My dismounts were a bit of awful and I had a close encounter with a tree...but in the end I survived.
I'm sure I'll be out there again.

The kids race was pretty hilarious.  I don't think one kid out there knew where they were supposed to go, but they all had smiles on their faces and seemed to be having a blast.
I'm proud of my girls for giving it a go!

 Ryan, going super sonic speed.

One of my dismounts that look okay.

This dismount didn't go too well.

Thanks to my dad who snapped the pictures, and to my mom who made sure my kids didn't get run over by the racers.

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