Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekend Review

Okay...I should make this post snappy since I've got tons to do today.  I'm sitting here surrounded by messes...everything left over from a busy weekend.

Saturday was a bit of running around on errands.  Picked up some fabric for Haley's costume. Yes, I'm sewing hers...hopefully this decision isn't a big mistake.  She wants to be a gypsy and I could not find a thing for her in the I'm blowing the dust off the sewing machine and giving it a go!  Haley says to me when she found out, "What?  You're sewing my costume?!  Is it going to be done by Halloween?!".  I hope so Haley, I hope so.
So stay tuned for that adventure.

Also on Saturday we were greeted with a deer that meandered into our yard in the middle of the day.  They seem to enjoy hanging out by the crab apple tree.  Haley spotted about six of them grouped together at that very spot the other night.
 Sunday we ventured out with the family for some hiking.  We had my folks and my brother and nephew with us so we had quite the group!  The kids hiked like champs (well, other than a brief whiny moment from Haley who vowed she wasn't going any further because her legs hurt).  Luckily, she changed her tune when she heard there were icicles up the trail.  From that point on her and Morgan led the way singing songs was cute.  And Piper, oh my Piper...she must have fallen about a dozen times during the hike.  I guess when we hike during her nap time she's bound to get a little sloppy with her walking.  But it didn't seem to phase and she was determined to walk on her own.

 Grandma and Grandpa with all their grandchildren after the hike.
Check out Haley and Morg's they get so dirty, I'll never know.
 On the way home from the hike, just a couple of blocks from our house the truck just up and quits...just like that.  Not the best way to end a fun weekend.
We suspect it's computer chip that went out...but we'll see.  Ryan left for CO this morning so I'll have to figure this one out on my own (well, with the help of my dad).  I hate car panics me.  Oh, and I'll be without a phone very soon (cell phone that is).  Ryan accidentally took my charger with him when he left, and I only one measly bar left...I don't think it will make it three days.  I don't like to be without a cell phone either.  That kinda panics me too. 

 Happy Monday everyone.

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