Saturday, October 27, 2012

Flu shots, storms, and sewing like a crazy lady!

This week we all got our flu shots.
Rory seemed to have a bit of a reaction from it...fever for a few days (somewhat typical) but then this morning she broke out in hives!  A couple of doses of Benadryl and she's good to to go (it's what the nurse suggested).  So I'll check with the doctor on what's up with that during her one year check-up.  So yeah, she's been a bit of a mess this week.

We also got our first storm...yep, with snow and everything.
It was a little bizarre to look out the window and see snow falling....not sure I'm ready for this yet.  But the good news is that it will be back up to the 70's next week.  

I've been sewing like a crazy lady this week.  We have a sort-of dress rehearsal tonight with our church Trunk-or-Treat.  So I had to make sure it was all done!  And I'm happy to say that I finished it in time!!  I'm pretty darn proud of myself!  Can't wait for her to put in on tonight!  

While I was sewing away in the craft room the kids played in the play room.  Can you spot a couple of kids buried in that mess in there?  But they were happy, which made me happy to get some sewing done.
Happy Weekend.

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