Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween...a week away.

Halloween 2008.
Haley was four and Morgie two.
It kinda makes my heart ache looking at this picture...they grow too fast.
They were both dressed up as Fancy Nancy (from the picture book series) although I don't think one person could figure that one out.  Everyone just assumed they were princesses.  Oh well.  They were so excited because they got to wear a little bit of purple sparkle eye shadow and I curled their hair.  And do you see that dummy sitting on the chair in the background?  We constructed that guy using some of Ryan's old clothes...and it's actually stuffed with blankets and more of Ryan's clothes (a homeless guy would love that thing!) .  Anyway, the first year we did it I think Haley was two and she was absolutely terrified of it!  Ahh, the memories.

So yeah, Halloween is a week away.  I was going to get to the fabric store this morning to pick up some orange thread (for Haley's costume) but alas, we are having our first storm of the year.  It's a mix of snow and rain coming down right now, so the last thing I want to do is pack two kids in the car and go somewhere.  I'd rather sit here and sip my herbal tea (yes, herbal tea)...another little warm drink I've been enjoying since the quitting coffee...and watch the snow/rain fall.

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