Monday, October 22, 2012

School Pictures and Weekend Review

Haley, 3rd grade.

Morgan, 1st grade.
These two girls are so I love them!  I love how the morning of the pictures they had to find just the right necklace...they accessorize better than their mom!

So the weekend...we hit up the library Saturday in search of the perfect Halloween movie for our movie night that evening.  Thanks to Meg for the Shrek suggestion, it would have been most likely the perfect movie, but unfortunately in was checked out.  Morgan found Monster House (kid friendly...or so it looked) so off we went.  Well, I'm sad to say that Monster House basically scared the crap out of our kids!  It was a bit too much for them and I ended up having to fast forward all the "perilous" or "scary" scenes to prove to them that  in the end everything turned out just fine.  It didn't work...Haley and Morgan both ended up sleeping on our bedroom floor that night.  And the last two nights after that they've both been sleeping in Haley's bed.

Movie night fail.

Sunday the girls had their Primary Program at church.  I'm so proud of them!  They sang along with the others and even memorized their lines when it was their turn at the microphone.  That morning Haley practiced all on her own...she sat on the couch and wrote down all the words that she wanted to make sure she said correctly: baptized, confirmed, example, immersion.  Her little strategy worked as she said everything perfectly!  And little Morgan...all smiles and lots of waving to us.  Such a cutie.

Now I best get to sewing...I have a few more things to do on Haley's costume before the this weekend!  Can't wait to show you!  I'm pretty happy with the way it's turning out!

1 comment:

  1. Oh ya - Monster House is scary! We had a similar experience.
