Friday, October 19, 2012

A few things.

Wednesday night cross.  Can you find Haley and Morgan?  Ryan and Piper are in there too!

What's going on around here?

*  Remember when I quit coffee?  Yeah...I'm still going worries there.  In fact, I never thought I would ever say this, but I think I feel better since I quit!  I don't ever have icky stomach like I used to or the dreaded coffee gut... so that's good.  I also now have quite the array of hot chocolate choices in my pantry (dark, sugar free, pumpkin spice) yeah, I've become a bit of a connoisseur of hot chocolate.  I don't drink it every morning (otherwise I would definitely start packing on the pounds if I did), but every so often it does make a nice morning a bit sweeter.  

*  Our Internet is being screwy.  We do not have TV...well, we do, but it's only function is to play a DVD.  So in the evenings when Ryan and I want to watch a little something we rely on his laptop and use Hulu to watch some normal network shows.  But...unfortunately, our wireless modem is being weird so we've had to use the desktop to watch anything.  So in desperation in wanting to be comfortable we've started dragging our sofa across the room in front of the computer (luckily, it's a very light sofa).  What's worse is that in the middle of the show the screen will go to to sleep and one of us will have to leap up to wiggle the mouse before we miss part of the show.  It's a little silly...but it's only temporary.  I'm pretty sure we'll get a good laugh about this one day.

*  Piper has been putting up quite the fight when it come to sleeping lately.  She spent two hours last night screaming and crying wanting to get up for the day.  Her screaming results in Rory screaming, and then it's all over from there.  I rock one kid to sleep, then the other, and then I have about 5 minutes of quiet until Piper starts the whole process over again.  Ryan and I had to tag team it last night...but it was definitely a losing battle (we were losing).  These are the hard moments you get when you have two kids sharing a room.  

*  Fall has arrived!  Crisp weather is upon us...and I'm kinda excited about it!  I'm excited to change up my cooking (more comfort foods!!) and do more baking.  Something about when it's cold out, I get the urge to either bake cookies or make bread.  And I love, love having dinners cooking in the oven all day or simmering on the stove.  It's the perfect recipe for a cozy house!

For the weekend...I'm thinking a family movie night is in order.  Perhaps a Halloween movie??  Although that's a tricky one with my girls as they get scared very easily!  Also this weekend Haley and Morgan have their Primary program at church which I'm very excited about!  I missed it last year because of crummy bed rest.    

Little something extra:

Haley is going to be a gypsy for Halloween and when people ask her what a gypsy is, she always answers, "It's a woman who dances for money."  I can't help but laugh every time.

Happy Weekend.


  1. Yay you! I am so impressed.

    We watched the Shrek Halloween movie recently and it was pretty fun. It's on Netflix if you have that.

    Family movie night is the best.

  2. I've heard "Jason" is pretty good for kids. It's about a Mom and a Son at a summer camp or something. You should be able to find it pretty much anywhere. YAY movie night!
