Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We're back!

We're back from our whirlwind trip to Long Beach!

The drive out there was long and horrible...the weather was rainy and the traffic was bad.  Three accidents involving huge semi trucks outside of Vegas led us to a complete standstill.  We had lots of pee stops (thank you very much Piper) and nursing stops which resulted in a 13 hour day in the car.  So, just when I would rather jump out of a moving car than turn around one more time to stop a fight or pick up something that Piper is screaming for, we pull up to my parent's house...hallelujah!

Sadly, I only have two pictures to share of the trip and they are of the drive there. the zone.
He has to be with a car full of girls.
You can just see Rory's little foot in this picture.
Everyone still looks happy...this must be the first half of drive.

We had such a good time while there though.
We visited the girls' great-grandparents, visit to the park, family dinners, playing with neighbor kids, and two visits to the beach!  They even got a surf lesson from Ryan!  But the big hit were the boogie boards!  Haley and Morgan had a ball on those.  We could hear their squeals and laughter from the was pretty cute!  And of course they came home with a bucket of seashells.

I was able to go on a ride with my dad and I crank out most of Haley's gypsy dress while there. My mom coached me though it, thank goodness!  And I only had to rip out one seam so far...record?  I think so!

And that's that.  The drive home went so much better thankfully.
Smooth sailing.

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