Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cooking with Kelly

Every stay at home mom is different...truly.  Some are exceptionally good at keeping a clean home, or extremely organized, perhaps crafty, or good at gardening, paying bills, volunteering at school, yadda, yadda, yadda.  And if you're good at it all...well, goodie for you.  I, however am not.  Although I really wish I could be more organized, that would be great!  But alas, I'm just not, and I need to accept that.

So anyway, I was thinking about my own "stay at home mom" talents and I think I'm pretty good at cooking.  I'm not a gourmet or anything like that.  My meals are family friendly, quick and easy most of time.  I think I'm pretty good at whipping something up last minute with whatever I have on hand...because that's usually what I do.  Remember, I'm not organized...if I were then I would have every meal planned out for the week and would never have that problem.

But like lots of moms we have a tendency to get into cooking ruts and staying with what we know.  So I decided to challenge myself with a new recipe every week.  I'll share them on this little blog of mine.  I'll let you know if it was a success or failure.  And I'll also share some of our family favorites too.

So, to celebrate pizza and movie night (which we'll be doing tomorrow night) I'm kicking if off with a family favorite: Pizza!

Pizza Dough
(This will make about 3 pounds of dough, enough to fill two jelly roll pans)

2 1/4  cups warm water
1/4  cup sugar
3 tsp. yeast
3 tsp. salt
6 cups flour (give or take...I really never measure this part)
olive oil for pans

Mix the warm water, sugar and yeast and let sit for 10-15 minutes or until really foamy.  Add 3 cups flour and the salt and mix well.  Continue adding flour and kneading dough until a dough ball forms but still slightly sticky.  Transfer to a greased bowl and let rise for 30-60 minutes.

Coat the pans with olive oil.  I divide the dough in half and spread onto two jelly roll pans.
Top with what ever your family loves!

Our favorites are BBQ chicken and grilled onions or pineapple and Canadian bacon.

Happy Movie Night!

Next week I'll share a new recipe that I'm cooking up for my family.


  1. You should try this recipe (Country Club Chicken): I found it on Pinterest and have made it twice already for my family and your parents and Andrew. It's amazing and perfect for fall/winter!
