Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I Am Thankful.

A very pregnant me a year ago on Thanksgiving.
I realized that I never wrote a real Thanksgiving post about what I'm grateful for...because truly there are so many things!

I couldn't help but think about last year at this time.  I was big and pregnant.  And with such a scary pregnancy with lots of ups and downs making nine months feel like eternity, I couldn't wait to meet our baby!

So number one, I'm so thankful our little Rory came safely into this world!  She is a blessing to our family and we love her so much.

I'm thankful for my family's health.  My children are strong, energetic, full of life and imagination.  And I'm thankful that Ryan and I can keep up with them.

I'm thankful for our home and where we live.  I love that my children can run and play outside freely.  I love that they can walk to school.  I love our church.  I love the mountains right outside my door.  I love the changing seasons.  I'm so lucky to live where I live.

I'm thankful for my Ryan.  Because without him I wouldn't have any of this.  He works hard everyday to provide for us and give us the things we need.  And I'm also lucky that his job brings in enough so that I can stay at home with our children.  I feel so privileged!

And I know that we are truly blessed with wonderful family and friends and I'm so thankful for that.

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