Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We ended up leaving on Sunday for Sedona.  Piper still woke up with a fever, but we figured it would most likely be the last day of it, so we hit the road.  Well, we were wrong.  She ended up having a fever for a couple more days in Sedona.  So I admit, the first half of the trip I was a little down and out...I felt bad bringing in a sick kid with a house full of family.  

So, a sick kid = a grumpy kid.  She was pretty much glued to Ryan's side the entire week and of course Rory was glued to mine (what's new there?).  

Other realities: Wednesday morning, two little girls (their names starting with an "H" and "M") didn't remember some very important rules I laid down earlier in the week and this resulted in a broken pipe, a flooded yard and a mom  in tears (this mom may have been me).  It wasn't the best morning and we'll leave at that.  In a desperate attempt to recharge and get some much needed time away from the kids Ryan and I escaped for a bit to go on a mountain bike ride (thank you to family for watching the kids).  However, that ride resulted in Ryan getting a flat tire and me falling into a prickly pear.  And while we were gone Rory and Piper were basically crying the entire time.  Mountain bike  But luckily Wednesday evening perked up with an awesome family dinner, s'mores, and hot tub.  Nice ending to a kinda crummy day.

But with that said...we had a wonderful time!  We filled our week with hiking, going to the park, shopping at the Gap outlet, family dinners, playing games, coloring, painting, and feeding the ducks.  I just loved watching the girls play with their cousins...everyone gets along so well!  They are going to have such great memories of these visits!  

Oh, and the weather was absolutely amazing!  

The traditional jammie picture.
Rory loved the swings at the park.
 Football before our Thanksgiving feast.
I believe this has now become a new tradition.

 The kids made little turkeys for our place settings.
The weather was so nice we ate outside!
 Traditional Thanksgiving walk before dessert.
 Friday's outing to to Talaquepaque to feed the ducks.

Until next year!

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