Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day!

I waited in line for over an hour to do it...but I did it!  I had Rory, Piper and Morgan with me and luckily they did fabulous while waiting.  Morgan had a fever last night (she's been suffering from a bit of a cold) so I kept her home from school.  And I really, really, really didn't want to wait til this evening (when Ryan is home) to vote, so I gave her some Tylenol and dragged her along.  But she was fine...in fact she helped keep an eye on Piper for me, so that was nice.  And then I had to stop by the grocery on the way home for a few things...I know, no rest for the sickies.  Now that we're home, she chillin'  on the sofa.  I want her to rest at least a little before I drag her out again to go pick up Haley.  What happened to the days of just watching TV all day when kids are sick?!

Now I get to walk around feeling very proud with my "I Voted" sticker.  Did you vote today?

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