Friday, November 9, 2012

Light the fireplace...Winter has arrived!

I was browsing through our photos and found this.
Don't you just love Little People?  We have so so many!  We could fill up the living room floor with an entire Little People village.  This little bunch on the table is just the tip of the ice berg!  Little People are like cockroaches...for every one that you see, there are about 20 that you don't see.  I find them everywhere!  But they're so dang cute...don't you think?

This week has been a bit exhausting for me.  The girls have had early out for parent/teacher conferences which means they got out at 1:30.  Which means all the girls are home by 2:00.

I was picking up the kids one day and another mother says to me, "Don't you just wish the kids got out at 1:30 everyday?"  My answer, "No...I don't wish that at all!"  I love my kids, and I love being around them...but I have discovered that I NEED a break in the day from being a mom.  And the time between 1:00 and 3:00 when the little ones are napping and the older ones in school and the house is quiet and I can do ANYTHING I want too...yeah, I need that time.  Having complete silence in a house is extremely refreshing.

Today, winter has arrived...the snow has been falling all day.  There must be about 5 inches so far and there is no sign of it letting up any time soon.  Piper and I walked to the school to pick up the girls and what should have taken us 15 minutes, took us more like 40 minutes with all of Pipers stops to eat the snow.  We were all drenched by the time we got home.  And now, while we're all hunkered down by a cozy fire (thank you very much Ryan) Haley has been outside playing in the snow ever since we got home...I love her zest for life.  On the most gloomy of days, she always sees the beauty in it.  What an example she is.

I got my haircut today.  Nothing crazy, just a trim.  But there's something about sitting in the chair, having a young, cute 20 something cutting your hair to make you feel old.  I know those drape things they put around you are extremely unflattering, but good grief, I felt very unglamorous.

But I do like my haircut, and I'm getting my lashes done next that should perk me up a bit.

This weekend I think its all about staying warm and cozy by the fire as it's going to be a cold one!

Tonight's menu: Corn chowder with paninis...that says cozy all over, don't you think?!

Happy Weekend!

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