Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekend Review

This weekend was a lot of snow play for the kids as we got quite the dumping of snow!
Immediately after school Friday Haley was playing in it.
And Saturday it was more of the same...lots of snow, lots of snow play.
 When it's bitterly cold outside I'm always so thankful for a cozy house!  We had the fireplace going throughout the weekend...oh how I love that fireplace!
 After all the snow play on Saturday, by the evening Haley came down with a fever and a cough.  The same darn cold that Morgan and Ryan had last week.  So Haley took it easy on Sunday watching movie after movie.  Luckily, we had a couple of new ones from the Library...The Princess Bride, and Lassie Come Home.  Classics.  She's home today from school taking another day to recover.  She probably could have gone to school but what's one day??  She's been cuddling with the dogs all morning.  Those spoiled when it's gets cold outside.

Ryan left for CO this morning for the week and then we're off to Sedona on Saturday.  I sure do hope the little ones stay healthy!  I have nightmares of that CA trip where I spent three days in the hospital with Rory when she had RSV.  I DO NOT want a repeat of that!

Here's to a good week.  Happy Monday!

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