Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I want to be cute again.

 I've been weaning Rory this month, which has been bittersweet.  I'm down to two nursing sessions a day now.  But it seems after every baby has been weaned I get the urge to buy things for myself.  After nearly three years of maternity wear, nursing bras, and sweats...I'm ready for some new pieces of clothing.  And make-up!  Piper has destroyed pretty much every bit of make-up that I own.  Aren't kids fun?!  So anyway, slowly I'm trying to get back into the world of fashion.  But every time I'm in the stores I'm at a loss, "What?!  People are wearing this??!"  I feel like what my grandmother probably felt when she took me shopping as a kid.  But as you remember, I did cave and bought my first pair of skinny jeans recently...that's right...see?  Progress.

I know my body isn't how it used to be...after popping out four babies it seems my belly will be forever squishy.  But I do know that having some new things to wear do wonders for my soul.

I'm trying to fit in with the times again...trying to feel cute again.

So yeah, I was feeling pretty good about myself today when I was on my errands, rockin' my new boots!  Feelin' hip...and kinda cool.  And then I come home to feed the wee ones.  I hold up a spoonful of yogurt for Rory and she immediately whacks it with her hand and the yogurt goes flying...right onto my new boot. I nearly cried.

I guess that's motherhood for ya.

I'll keep trying.