Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spreading like wild fire.

This dreaded cold is slowly taking out one family member at a time.  Morgan and Ryan were last week, Haley was over the weekend and now my little Rory has indeed come down with it.  She started getting a cough and fever yesterday evening.  The cough sounds horrible...each kid sounds like a little seal barking.

Last night was rough.  It took me forever to get Rory to fall asleep...she was just so miserable.  Finally around 10:30 all was quite.

Before bed I needed to take the dogs out for the night.  Now, we have a rule for the dogs when they're in the going on the carpet.  They know this, and they do a good job with it.  Unless I'm upstairs for a while not watching that case, they've been known to sneek into the living room.  And Etta loves to curl up on the girls bean bags...that darn dog!  But, I don't think they've ever been upstairs...ever!

So, back to me taking them out last night.  They were both sleeping when I started walking to the back door.  Very quietly I said, "Okay pups...time to go out."  And Etta, out of nowhere, stands up and bolts...races straight up the stairs!!  Now keep in mind I JUST got Rory to sleep, the last thing I need is hyper dog racing around up there!!  So I go tearing up there to find Etta in Morgan's bed licking her face!  Of course I drag her out of there.  Then if that wasn't enough, she starts tearing around the living room and family room...I had to chase her down again.  And Belle, poor Belle, she just stood there the whole time in shock, probably thinking "Don't yell at me...I didn't do anything!"  Anyway, it was just so out of the blue...she's never done that before.  Crazy dog.  Luckily, Morgan didn't even wake up...and neither did the others thank goodness!

And the rest of night didn't go much better.  My little Rory was up from 2 to about 5.  It was not so fun.  And then Piper was up at 6:30.  I'm pretty worn out.

We're going to take it easy today.  I need everyone healthy by Saturday!!

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