Thursday, November 15, 2012

Little Sick Rory

Rory had a temp of 103 last night.  But she's still the cutest little thing...fever and all.  
She has not been sleeping well at all with neither her naps nor at night time.
I'm exhausted trying to keep up with everything.
I could really go for a cup of coffee right about now.

But anyway, we've been hanging low, not doing much at all, and I feel kinda bad for Piper...I've been a very unfun mom lately to her.  I can tell she's kind of bored floating around the house while I take care of Rory.  But then I guess we'll make up for it next week when we're in Sedona with family...that house will be going full blast.  

So much to do before Saturday.  Here's to hoping I can get it done.

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