Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

In the midst of all this pre Christmas craziness it seems my family cannot get over this cold or colds that have been plaguing us since the middle of November.  And this time, yes, even I have been hit...although I feel as though I may be coming out of it finally.  I wish I could say the same about the kids and Ryan.  Rory came down with yucky running nose and pink eye last week!  And then over the weekend both Haley and Morgan have come down with a terrible up all night type cough.  And Rory has now decided that 5 am is a good time to get up for the day.  So, as you can see...there is very little sleep going on in this house right now!

Yet, even with all the coughing and blowing of noses, we are super excited for tomorow!  But if there's one thing I want for's Health for my family...and maybe the chance to sleep in!!  I think we've suffered enough!

We wish everyone a very merry Christmas from our family to yours!

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