Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas wrap-up. 2012

Santa Came!!

He left us an elf this year after he gobbled down his truffles we left for him.

The aftermath.
 The girls prized possessions they found Christmas morning were their new American Girl dolls...Kit and Ruthie.  Haley and Morgan have been wanting these dolls for several years now.  That morning Haley kept staring at her doll.  I told her, "It's okay, you can play with it...don't be scared of her."  And she says, "I know's just that I can't believe I finally have her!!"  I think she was in shock all morning.  The four of them have been inseparable ever since.

Piper got a new baby doll.  Don't you just crack up seeing Piper with that baby carrier?
It's her "mini me".

Rory got her Pooh Bear this year.  Although she had tons of fun playing in all the boxes and ribbons.
 My parents sent me new goggles and helmet!  I'm ready to hit the slopes!
I may or may not have worn this helmet and goggles around the house for a bit I was just so excited about it.

The day was wonderful.  

Now today we will be packing up for our trip to the LBC.

Ryan and I were thinking...during this Winter break the girls will have skied, camped, and will have gone to the beach.  Now that is an action packed two weeks!

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