Thursday, December 27, 2012

Change of plans.

We have the worst luck when it comes to travel lately.  Remember when I said we would be driving to LB today?  Well, we're still home.  Right after I put up yesterday's post, Piper started throwing up.  Yep...just lovely.  She seemed to make a fast recovery and even ate a little dinner last night.  But this morning it went right rudder as she started throwing up all over again.  After 24 hours since the last barf I thought I was in the clear...not so much.  So we have delayed going to CA, and at this point we're not even sure we'll go.  I'm at my wits end with sickness and traveling.  Do you remember Rory's RSV while in CA in Spring?  Piper's fever and cough in Sedona for Thanksgiving?  So can you see why we're thinking staying home may be the better option.  And really, to be honest, the other girls are not doing so hot either...running noses and coughing.  This has been a pretty rough December for us health wise.  It's amazing how unpredictable kids can be.  It's pretty easy for me to get bummed out by it all...but there's not much I can do.  I've just got to roll with it.  It is what it is.  The girls are been pretty understanding about the whole thing which makes it a bit easier.  Perhaps it's the massive amount of snow that we got in the past two days that's distracting them.  I think it's safe to say that if CA isn't in the cards the girls will be doing a fair amount of skiing this winter break!

My poor little Piper...sick, sick, sick.
 With all this snow, I'm itching to go skiing!

So unfortunately, I did not get health for my family this Christmas.  Here's to a better January!

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