Friday, December 28, 2012

Keep on the Sunny Side!

While Piper recovered from her barfies that she had yesterday, Ryan took Haley and Morgan skiing.
All was going well until Haley bit the dust and split her chin open.  She must have knocked her face on her ski some how.  Poor little thing.  They took care of her in ski patrol getting her all cleaned up and then Ryan took her to the pediatrician for some stitches...five in fact.

Look at that face...forced smile trying to be brave.  
She was so scared.

Ryan took her out for a treat on the way home and that made it all better.
She said to me when she got home, "Mom, when I saw all the blood I nearly fainted!"
She takes after her mama on that one!

"Mom!  Stop taking pictures of me!"

CA or no CA...we WILL have fun this break...stitches and all!

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