Saturday, December 29, 2012

New plan...heaven help us.

Jammie party under the dining room table.

So I think we have a new plan.  It seems everyone is on the up and up health wise...well, except for Rory who is a complete snot machine.  But we're going to take our chances and make the drive to CA for the rest of the winter break.  We're taking two days to get there and meeting my family in the desert to finish the tail end of the camp trip (they will have already been camping for a couple of days).  And then back to the LBC for the rest of the week.  I think that's doable.

Now just say a little prayer for us in hopes that no one will be barfing (or have any other health issue) on this adventure!  Six people in a tent with someone's a nightmare that I really don't want to come true.

Give me strength.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you guys! Enjoy the sun in CA!
