Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New sofa...or ski passes? We say ski passes!!

This is our family room sofa in all it's glory.
It's got to be over 20 years old by now, and I must say it looks it.  It first belonged to my parents...I was a teenager when they it in their house.  Then when Ryan and I got married 12 years ago, we took it for our a spare room in our apartment...and we've had it ever since.  It's lived in four different places.

Every year I want to replace it...and every year we use the money on something else.  Last year we spent the money on a new baby...Rory.  She came with some hefty hospital bills due to my bed rest and preterm labor scare.  She was worth it though don't you think?  This year we decided to spend the money on ski passes for the older girls, Ryan and me!  We're so excited about it!
An early Christmas present!
So when I'm at other people's houses and see all their beautiful furniture and then come home to my 20 year old sofa, before I get all bummed out I quick look over at my family's passes hanging nearby and remember what's more important to us.

The girls are not going to remember that old sofa...but they will remember the fun they had skiing all season!
The new sofa will have to wait...and I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. Sofas are boring--skiing is fun! Could you make a slipcover for it? My mom used to do that for our old couch!
