Monday, December 17, 2012

Recent Events

The school shootings in CT have been weighing on me all weekend.  I'm so heartbroken for those families who lost someone.  I just can't imagine what they must be going through.  I look at my own sweet innocent and unaware to the violence that's out there.  How can someone do something so horrendous to a child?  I can't help but think about their last scared and confused they must have been.  I can't imagine how the parents feel...not being there...not able to protect their children...not able to hold them and comfort them.  Not realizing that their kiss goodbye was going to be their last.  It's just so heartbreaking.

I haven't talked to my kids about it.  They are completely unaware as to what happened.  We don't have TV for them to see anything about it.  They don't notice the newspapers lying around.  I hope when they come home from school today they are still unaware.  But kids I won't be surprised if they come home asking some questions.  I'm not prepared as to what I will say if they do.  I don't want them to view the world as a scary place...and I definitely don't want them to be scared at school.  Haley, especially, is so very sensitive about such things.

I wish they could keep their little carefree spirits forever.


1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel! I was curious so I asked my daughter if kids had been talking but she had no clue. I just told her that something sad had happened so some kids and she told me "it's a good thing I know karate" (no she doesn't).
