Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pine Cone Bird Feeders

Every year the girls make their gifts to give at Christmas time.  Over the years we've had quite the array: lots of ornaments, hand painted totes, Mosaic stepping stones, and home made snow globes.  And every year I never post about them because I was afraid that it would ruin the surprise for family.  But this year...I've thrown that to the wind.  Because, honestly I enjoy documenting these crafts for them to read about when they're older.  And honestly...I don't think the grandparents will mind...I think they would like to see pictures of the girls creating the gifts they'll receive! 

Now, I know that a pine cone bird feeder is a very basic project.  But can you believe that we've NEVER done them?!  So yesterday after school we rolled up our sleeves and got to work!

 This is a great project too if you want your house to smell like peanut butter for a day (or more).  Because I will tell you right now...peanut butter will get EVERYWHERE for this project!  Thank goodness for the dogs...they had lots fun licking all the peanut butter finger prints everywhere.  Makes clean up so much easier!

I really like the way they turned out.
Now I just have to get them packaged up pretty and they'll be good to go!

In other news, I went to the doctor today because of this dreaded cold I've been dealing with for the past week and half and because of the pain I've been having in my neck and ear. I really thought he was going to look me over and then say I have nothing wrong with me, go home you big baby.  But alas, I have an infection in my lungs, lymph node area and ears.  Blah!!  So at least I know that I'm not just a big pansy, but in fact I do have more going on than I thought.

And one point during the visit the doctor says very seriously to make sure I get a lot of rest during the day.  I laughed.

Actually though, Ryan is always uber helpful...he's been doing A LOT around here to help me out!  I've been falling waaaay behind on my duties around.  The poor guy didn't have any clean undies the other day my laundry is so backed up!  Hello commando!  Sorry babe.

So yeah, pretty much everyone is this house is suffering from some type of's to hoping no one else  needs to visit a doctor.

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