Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekend Review

We kicked off our weekend Friday night by going Christmas tree shopping.  Morgan really took it seriously and picked out the perfect tree.  Haley on the other hand loved running up and down the tree isles sneaking around and hiding from us.  She said she was searching for the real Santa...funny girl.

Saturday morning it all about decorating.  It just doesn't feel like Christmas until your house is decorated...don't you think?
I was a little bummed about my tree lights...the last string on the bottom crapped out.  I wasn't about to go out and buy another string of it will have to do.

I think Winter has finally arrived as we've had a cold snap come through...with snow!  Yay!
We cozied up by the fire a lot this weekend.

I  created a Christmas card display using some branches clipped from outside.  I got the idea from Martha Stewart.  Hers of course looks top notch...mine on the other hand is passable.

Also this weekend we went to our church Christmas dinner.  They had a "open mic" type evening with anybody welcome to come up and sing, tell a story or play an instrument for the entertainment.
Haley pretty much dominated that thing!  She sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", "Jingle Bells" and another song from school that I don't know the name of.  I love that she's not shy or bashful about it...she has so much confidence.  I hope it lasts forever.

Then Sunday, this one came down with a fever.
Actually, all week Ryan and I have been suffering from a terrible cold.  I know, just when I thought my immunities were super human...BAM, I came down with a cold.  A bad one too.  So now little Rory and Piper are showing signs of having it too.  Bummer.  Do you realize that someone has been sick with a cold in this house since the middle of November?  Blah!

So yeah, yesterday we did not do a thing!
Pretty much a solid jammie day.

Today the snow is coming down hard and it's beautiful!
Happy Monday.

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