Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pom Pom Christmas Trees

Count up to Christmas, Christmas trees.
Each day the kids glue another pom pom decoration on their tree.
It was our FHE this week.

All went pretty well that evening minus the fact that Haley blew a fuse when I threw away a old ribbon that apparently was her pride and wasn't pretty (the fit that is).  And Morgan threw a fit when her tree wasn't perfect.  Good times. 
I always have this expectation of how the evening will go...everyone sitting around the table, getting along, listening and loving their creations.  Then reality hits.
But we'll keep plugging away...because the times that everything DOES go well makes it that much sweeter!

But I thought their trees turned out pretty well...fits and all.
And Morgan decided that she does love her tree after all.

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